Having made the decision to head for Zambia, we dashed up the Caprivi Strip stopping only briefly at Divindu to visit the National Park at Mahango. This is another Park that we visited last year. In contrast to Etosha, which was so dry, this park had far more water than last year. A country of contrasts!
We spent a couple of nights in a campsite close to the border at Katima Mulillo to brace ourselves for the crossing. This turned out to be un-necessary as all and sundry seemed determined to help us through the formalities. When we first arrived we were sent into the commercial vehicle area, a plush, new and very modern area but not the place for us we discovered. We had to go to the area for private vehicles which comprised several shacks, caravans and a converted container. It was a trail from passport to carnet to road tax to insurance and then onto local tax! But everyone was friendly and very jolly so we had a good time.
By crossing the Zambezi we were then in Zambia, the first 100 kilometers of which has a road to test the patience of a Saint! Potholes that reminded us of Brazil! The last 100km which took us into Livingstone were really quite good, ALTHOUGH, Livingstone High Street had ridges running along it which made it almost impossible to turn either left or right, even with 4 wheel drive.
Vic Falls turned out to be even better than we had expected. Our campsite was 11km up river from the falls but it was possible to hear the roar of water descending into the gorge and to see the plumes of spray for the Hotel Bar at sunset. Visiting the Falls is a noisy, wet but unforgettable experience.
1 comment:
Làm sao order hàng mỹ. Nếu bạn đang tìm nơi nhận order hàng mỹ thì đến với chúng tôi nhé. Khi bạn đến với chúng tôi thì không chỉ là hàng mỹ mà chúng tôi còn nhận vận chuyển hàng từ khắp nơi trên thế giới về Việt Nam và ngược lại. Một số dịch vụ tiêu biểu của chúng tôi được đông đảo người dùng như: mua hàng trên amazon, mua hàng mỹ, chuyển hàng úc về việt nam, gửi hàng anh về việt nam, dịch vụ thông quan hàng hóa, chuyển hàng từ Canada về Việt Nam, ... Ngoài ra chúng tôi còn nhận mua hàng bên nhật,... Nếu bạn cần gửi hàng cho người thân ở Nhật thì chúng tôi có dịch vụ gửi hàng đi nhật bản.
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